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All products (including refurbished) come with a specified warranty 30, 60, 90, or 180 days. (Check labels/ info for details). New, unopened or manufactured goods usually come with the manufacturer's limited warranty and its listed duration. Used items usually carry a 30 day warranty. Repaired/remanufactured items usually carry a 90 day parts and labor warranty, in any case simply return the item that was repaired to our shop and we will evaluate the issue and at our discretion repair or replace defective parts related to the previous issue only. Incase new issues arise as a result of a different parts failing, new parts and labor charges will result. Installed products and services carry different warranty terms and conditions (See contract invoice issued to you for details) This warranty does not cover incidental or consequential damages or product abuse/neglect or issues caused by natural disasters, fire, flooding etc. or Acts of God. In any case see invoice or work order contract for details.
*Our terms and conditions agreement includes but not limited to:
Rob's Solutions
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